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  3. Everything to know about the digital payslip
  4. Refusal of dematerialization
  5. Does the employer have to take an employee’s refusal into account if it is expressed several months after the deployment?

    Does the employer have to take an employee’s refusal into account if it is expressed several months after the deployment?

    The employee can refuse at any time, before or after a digital payslip is issued. They must inform the employer of the refusal and provide a fixed date for it.

    By law, the employee’s request must take effect as soon as possible, within three months at most. If they have still not activated the safe they were assigned and if payslips have been deposited there, the payslips must be recovered.

    In this case we suggest that the employee activate their safe anyway, access the documents, and, if they still wish to cancel, cancel the registration via the safe. If this procedure is not accepted, your administration must provide duplicate payslips. 

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