If you are a business or a distributor using Digiposte for the digitization of your documents, especially payslips, this assistance is designed for you.
Are you an Individual?Access dedicated help
For businesses, the Digiposte service can be accessed directly or via a distributor (the company managing your payroll or your accountant, for example). We work with a wide range of partner distributors: Docaposte, Maileva, ADP, and more.
Contact us so we can help you find the right intermediary. For users, the Digiposte service can be accessed from a computer (at the following URL: https://secure.digiposte.fr/identification-plus) or smartphone (via mobile web or our free mobile application).
You cannot force your users to adopt digitisation. You must inform them of the transition to the digital payslips at least 30 days before they are issued.
This mandatory 30-day communication period leaves users the time to refuse, if they so wish. Furthermore, once the payslips have been digitised, users can cancel registration at any time.
The employee is free to refuse a digitised payslip proposed by their employer. In the name of reversibility, they can change their minds at any time.
By default, if the employee doesn't make a decision concerning digitisation or paper, they will receive a digitised payslip.
In the name of reversibility, they can change their minds at any time. In concrete terms, this means they can cancel the digital safe by applying the following steps:
The paper payslips should be restored within at most 3 months, in accordance with the law. Emplyees can also choose to register at any time.
The use of the NIR is strictly regulated by law. And when HR documents are dematerialised, it cannot be used in whole or in part.
19 October 2023
19 October 2023